5 Expert Tips for Managing Your Elderly Parent’s Healthcare

medical billing errors

Your parents raised you. They changed your diapers, loved you, and supported you when you tried everything from soccer to dance. As an adult child, you want to take care of your elderly parents and make sure they have the best life possible. Securing quality healthcare for your elderly parent can be one of the…

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An “Advance” New Year’s Resolution

Conceptual,notebook on a white table. open diary and pen with 2018 words

Happy 2020 to you, my “patient” readers. I wish you much good health and happiness and importantly, peace-of-mind in this new year. OK – yes – it’s mid-January, so it might be a wee-bit late to be listing our resolutions for the year, but that doesn’t make this piece of advice any less important. I…

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Preventing a Deadly Outcome from a Visit to the Doctor


Today I’m sharing an experience with you in hopes of preventing something we do but don’t think about; something which can be dangerous. At a recent doctor appointment, I found two people in the waiting room just hacking away, coughing up a storm, and very likely infecting others. They were together, and there for only…

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