How to Take Control of Your Medical Test Results


I’m not sure how it happened, but over the years, my medical appointments and tests all seem to have ended up as summer scheduled dates. Of course that means I’m waiting for test results in the summer, too. You know – all those annual or periodic things:  bloodwork, mammogram, bone density, dentist, optometrist…. I also…

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Sometimes the Doctor IS Wrong: How to Avoid Misdiagnosis


Misdiagnosis. This topic is very personal. In fact, over the years I have been affected by PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) because of a misdiagnosis that I experienced. But because it’s so personal, I may be the best person to share this lesson with you. My name is Trisha Torrey. Thirteen years ago this week,…

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“Do Not Quote Me”

Attractive young caring doctor

A few years ago I was at a picnic with a friend who is an orthopedist. The question was raised about whether advice given by doctors is always in the best interests of the patient. “Do not quote me,” was how he began his reply. At least that alerted me that he would give an…

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Will the Waiter Spit In Your Soup?


You’ve heard this fear before – that if you are too demanding of your waiter, or challenge him or her in any way, then he might spit in your soup as a form of revenge. Unfortunately, too many of us think the same of our doctors. As if, if we are difficult patients, then the…

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Does Your Doctor Seem Tired?

tired doctor

So we changed our clocks last night; lost an hour of sleep or an hour of our day. It’s Sunday, so at least most of us don’t have to go to work today, giving us a day to adjust. All day long we’ll look at the clock and think it seems weird. For many of…

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