Get to know Carol Edvin, BCPA

Professional health advocate, Carol Edvin, BCPA

Carol Edvin, BCPA

Specialties Include

Appealing insurance denials

Navigating pharmacy benefits

Reconciling medical bills

Coordinating care

Carol Edvin is a Board-Certified Patient Advocate (BCPA) with nearly four decades of healthcare experience. After spending 37 years as a physical therapist, Carol observed many things about the healthcare industry that inspired her to help people navigate the healthcare system's intrinsic difficulties. Her mission is to provide guidance and assistance in accessing, coordinating, and decision making related to the challenges of healthcare services.

Carol has a personal interest in IBD, with several family members suffering with the disease. She has seen the devastating impact on all areas of life and as a silent disease, the burden is enormous for the patient and family. She believes that greater awareness and recognition could significantly impact quality of life. In addition, whereas IBD is recognized as a disability, IBS is not - and it should be. She hopes to help individuals with IBD and IBS, but also to positively impact on a broader scale to bring greater understanding and support for people in the work environment.

Carol has worked in multiple settings with patients across the age spectrum. Her experience working as a physical therapist in hospitals, assisted living facilities, early intervention programs, and home care services give her a unique, broad-based knowledge that she can apply to any situation. In addition, she owned a private physical therapy practice for 15 years in which patient advocacy was utilized each day to optimize the care she provided to her patients.

She is a licensed Physical Therapist as well as Board Certified Patient Advocate.

Carol and her team offer services nationwide with main areas of service being Pennsylvania, New York, Virginia, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island.

Her services include:

  • Assisting with providing appeal letters to insurance companies, pharmacies, etc. for denied services
  • Reconciliation of hospital bills and insurance payments (EOB’s)
  • Coordinating medical and health information between multiple doctors, clinics, and other providers to ensure a thorough and complete continuation of care
  • Arranging medical appointments
  • Attending doctors visits
  • Retrieving medical records
  • Coordinating care for loved ones living far from family
  • Caregiver training
  • And so much more

Hire Carol Today.

You can hire an advocate for as much time as you needsometimes, a brief consultation is enough, sometimes people hire an advocate to be by their side for a few hours each week or month.

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1 Hour

  • Consult with your advocate. Get initial guidance on your options and next steps.

2 Hours

  • Consult with your advocate and get a high-level assessment of your situation and Action Plan to guide your next steps.